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FIRST® Lego League

Children in grades 4th through 8th are able to participate in First Lego League (FLL). In this program, students use legos to develop skills that will last a lifetime. While building and programming robots, they learn about science, technology, and collaborative working. After students have built, programmed, and documented their designs, they compete in competitions. These events increase motivation and support for one another.  

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The Mars Robotics Association has two FLL teams; Once the season starts the kids will work together to create a team name, logo, and team shirt. 

The challenge is released in August, marking the beginning of the season. The teams build their robots beginning in August until their competition in December. During the season, they meet every Sunday, from 3 to 6. In the off-season, it is much more laid back and they tend to take breaks from time to time.

They are always looking for new members, no matter the time in the season.

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